Temporary Research Assistant & Assistant Lecturer (ATER)
University of Orléans, INSA CVL, PRISME
Orleans, France

About me

Since 01/2023, I’ve been a Temporary Research Assistant & Assistant Lecturer at the University of Orléans, INSA CVL, PRISME, France. My academic background includes a B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology (2016), a Diplôme d’Ingénieur in Computer Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Orléans (2018), and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Signal Processing from the University of Orléans (2018 and 2023).

Research interests

Signal processing, deep learning, and their applications in the following fields:

  • Time series analysis
  • Econometric-machine learning integration
  • Sequential/temporal learning
